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Dedicated Locals

Service before Self


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DLs' Caring Community

A community of volunteers dedicated to helping those who have fallen on hard times. Here’s some of our latest activities!

Toiletries and Baby Products Giveaway

Many needy families find it hard to afford basic toiletries like toothpaste and baby products such as diapers. Thanks to P&G for sponsoring these gifts for beneficiaries!



Makan Time!

Free lunchboxes to Tampines residents and low-wage workers in Kaki Bukit.

A quick word from DLs' Caring Community founder, Desmond Lim:

My family was very poor and life was hard when I was young. But we got by through the kindness of people in the community. That’s why I started DLs’ Caring Community, so I can bring this kindness to other families who have fallen on hard times. Thanks to all DL volunteers, we have grown our charity from 2015 until now and support over 7000 beneficiaries because of their hard work! I sincerely believe that when all of us give a little effort to help, we can make things better for many people!
  • Over 7000 beneficiaries

  • Across Singapore, the Philippines, China and other Southeast Asian countries

  • We believe in doing our part to help our fellow brothers and sisters

  • Service before self!

Join DLs' Caring Community

Help us make our community a better place